Facts about voluntary return and forced return

If you come to Germany and are not entitled to protection and therefore the right to stay, you are obliged to leave the country within a specified period. If the authorities have to forcibly return you, you will also not be allowed to reenter the entire Schengen area. You will moreover have to bear the costs of your forced return yourself.
In this case, voluntary return is the better option. Different voluntary return programmes have been established to provide you with financial and organisational assistance to return to your country of origin. If you are thinking about returning or if you know somebody in Germany with little chance of obtaining asylum, inform yourself about the process of voluntary return and the available support. You can find information here or at the information portal on voluntary return and reintegration, www.ReturningfromGermany.de
By the way: You cannot be rejected by your own state if you want to return to your country of origin: Under public international law, states have the obligation to readmit their own nationals. The immigration authorities of the German federal states are responsible for enforcing the return of persons without a right to stay in Germany. The Federal Ministry of the Interior in close consultation with the Foreign Office negotiates re-admissions agreements and protocols with countries of origin to enhance cooperation at the working level.