
Only recently, Gambians have decided to opt for a democratic political system. Transition to democracy goes hand in hand with tremendous changes and challenges in nearly all spheres of life. Germany supports the Gambia as it tackles these challenges and seizes the opportunities that democracy offers:
1) More than rumours
The Gambia is a young democracy with a thriving media landscape. Gambian journalists are keen to inform their audience, so that Gambians can take decisions based on facts, not rumours. Germany supports West African Democracy Radio (WADR) as it works to educate journalists about one of the most important topics of our time: migration.
Find out more: https://www.wadr.org/home/index.php?p=programs-podcasts&lang=en&auth_=32
2) More than sports
Gambians love soccer – and so do Germans. In the Gambia, many kids hardly ever have access to a trainer or a proper playing field. Girls in particular seldom attend sports lessons. The German Government helps Gambian girls celebrate their enthusiasm for football, by ensuring that hundreds of them now receive regular football lessons. Sport empowers them to score goals on the field and off.
Find out more: https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/de/aussenpolitik/laender/gambia-node/sportfoerderung-fussball/2208294
3) More than a harbour
A working port opens up business opportunities for retailers of foreign and domestic goods. To help the country make the most of these opportunities, Germany supports the Gambian authorities’ efforts towards implementing international trade rules and enhancing its customs controls. This support, which is provided by the World Customs Organization (WCO), will make trading easier and faster and strengthen the economy as a whole.
Find out more: www.wcoomd.org/en/media/newsroom/2019/july
4) More than a good idea
Many Gambians have great business ideas, but lack knowledge and money to make these a reality. The Savings Banks Foundation for International Cooperation (Sparkassenstiftung), in cooperation with the Gambian National Association of Cooperative Credit Unions (NACCUG) and with funding support from the German Government, is offering interactive business training and coaching sessions for Gambian entrepreneurs. Through these classes, they learn how to develop a business plan and figure out where they can find the funding they need to kick-start their business.
Find out more: https://www.sparkassenstiftung.de/business-games/produkte/?L=498
5) More than a mere return
Germany supports Gambians who would like to return to their home country voluntarily. Returnees have the possibility to participate in business courses before they leave. Once they are back in the Gambia, the voluntary returnees have the opportunity to attend a course of the Gambia Technical Training Institute in Mansa Konko. There, they are trained to become experts in solar technology installations, or they learn how to produce and repair agricultural equipment. Thus, they have a good chance of getting off to a successful new start back home.
Find out more: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/52739.html
or on: https://www.facebook.com/Gambia-Technical-Training-Institute-228376333845690/