Where can I find out about support for returning home voluntarily?

Migration advice centre © dpa

Are you thinking about returning to your home country? Maybe you don’t know how and when a return will be possible – or maybe you doubt how to get back on your feet after returning home. There might be support programmes for you and there is lots of information out there for you.

Three good ways to start

If you want to return home after leaving a difficult situation behind, good advice can be crucial for success. Germany offers you three ways to ask for individual advice:

  1. Online information: Find information about voluntary return and reintegration options here and more detailed information at www.returningfromgermany.de and www.startfinder.de
  2. Telephone hotline: The returnee hotline of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) informs you about support programmes, your nearest counselling centre and the return process. The staff will also provide you with information on reintegration programmes in your country of origin. Call
    +49 911 943-0
  3. Return counselling centres: There are more than 1,000 independent and governmental return counselling centres in Germany, where migrants can receive individual and non-binding counselling on voluntary return. Two websites provide databases on return counselling centres:

Is there a migration advice centre in your country? 

Consultation in an advice center © dpa

Migration advice centres provide tailored advice on the options available to returnees. They also offer advice to local people who seek information on job opportunities in their country and to people interested in migration via regular channels. Several such centres are already run on behalf of the BMZ in Afghanistan, Albania, Ghana,  Iraq (Erbil and Baghdad), Kosovo, Morocco, Serbia and Morocco, Tunisia, Iraq, Ghana, Nigeria (Abuja, Benin-City, Lagos), and Senegal, Serbia, and Tunisia. Efforts are under way to establish more of these centres in other countries.


The centres provide a wide array of services:

  • Access to training
  • Job hunting and job placement
  • Advice on support to start a business (loans, etc.)
  • Advice on options for regular migration to Germany
  • Mobile and virtual information points
  • Training for employment agency staff
  • Advice on other interesting projects Germany is funding

Currently available centres outside Germany:

Phone: +93 79 904 7915
E-mail: reintegration-afghanistan@giz.de

Phone: +355 69 7060 005 (mobile)
E-mail: dimak-albania@giz.de

Phone: +383 38 22 33 44
E-mail: dimak-kosovo@giz.de

Phone: +381 11 24 01 681
E-mail: dimak-serbia@giz.de

Phone: +216 71 842 590
E-mail: tuniso-allemand@giz.de

Phone: + 212 522271743
Phone: + 212 522490069
E-mail: maroco-allemand@giz.de

Phone: ‎+964 (0)770 668 56 26 (Erbil)
Phone: +964 (0)770 668 56 26 (Baghdad)
Phone: +964 751 741 1655
E-mail: mac-iraq@giz.de

Phone: + 233 556 7585 16
Phone: + 233 556 7585 18
Email: migrationadvicecentreghana@giz.de

Phone: ‎+234 70 87 14 01 79 (Abuja)
Phone: ‎+234 81 54 99 08 88 (Lagos)
Phone: ‎+234 70 53 49 31 68 (Benin-City)
Phone: +221 33 825 87 21
Email: senegalo-allemand@giz.de

You can find out about migration advice in your home country through the website www.startfinder.de, the telephone hotline or a return counselling centre (see above).  

More information: http://www.bmz.de/en/issues/Sonderinitiative-Fluchtursachen-bekaempfen-Fluechtlinge-reintegrieren/deutsche_politik/aktionsfeld_4/index.jsp

Brochures: “Returning to New Opportunities”

Last update: 08/03/2018

Last updated: 13.09.2019 Published: 13.09.2017